Mausami Chaunsa

Mausami Chaunsa is an early variety of mango that is highly regarded for its sweet, aromatic, and juicy flavor. Pakistani Chaunsa is one of the most popular and unique mango varieties grown in South Asia. They are highly sought after for their exceptional taste and aroma, and are often considered one of the premium mango variety.

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Overview: Chaunsa was originally cultivated in Rahim Yar Khan and Multan, but legend has it that it was given its current name by Sher Shah Suri after he defeated the Mughal Emperor Humayun at Chausa, a district in Bihar, India. Mausami Chaunsa is an early variety of Chaunsa mango and is less sweeter.

Peak Availability: June

Shape and Size: Mausami Chaunsa is a medium-sized mango, usually measuring around 4-5 inches in length. They have an oblong or ovate shape, with a slight curve and a distinct beak-like tip.

Aroma: Mausami Chaunsa has a sweet aroma but not as strong as the Chaunsa. The aroma intensifies as the mangoes ripen.

Texture: The flesh of Chaunsa mangoes is smooth, juicy, and fiber-low. It is a vibrant golden yellow in color, and has a tender, melting texture when eaten.

Flavor: Mausami Chaunsa is sweet and rich in flavor. They have a high sugar content and a distinct tropical taste, with notes of honey, apricot, and citrus. The flavor is often described as luscious, aromatic, and highly enjoyable.

Color: The skin of Mausami Chaunsa mangoes is thin and smooth, and typically turns from green to yellow as it ripens. When fully ripe, the skin may develop small patches of golden or orange blush.

How to eat: Mausami Chaunsa is usually eaten fresh as a sweet and juicy snack. The most desi way to enjoy is to simply soften the flesh from the outside using your thumbs, remove the mango’s eye, and suck the juice directly from the mango. They are also used in a variety of culinary applications, such as desserts, salads, and chutneys.